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The Last Charge….

So this past week has been the last week I have charged my phone whenever I want to.  If I said I …

Reading in a New Light

Making the proclamation to make my education paperless has not only made me turn on my computer, but it has made me …

Better Wear my Sneakers….

In all honesty, I am going into this Sustainable Behavior Challenge, knowing that this is going to be no easy task.  This …

Until we “meat” again…

I thought the best way to observe my behavior would be to take a daily journal of what I ate and write down a general …

Wasting Without Knowing

  Food waste accounts for copious amounts of wasted energy in the United States. In order to break this habit, a strong, …

My Bad Habits Are Bottled Up

Yep, its true… I have a serious case of Lafayette Laziness. I hate to admit it, but I do. What is Lafayette …