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Step 2

This time I will

As the task I was assigned to, I was trying to observe myself doing my bad habit. Actually, before we were told …

Shower Awareness

I love showering. Unfortunately for me I absentmindedly rushed through my shower yesterday after practice because I was in a hurry to …

I Promise I Don’t Smell!

Hazah! My waterproof watch arrived last week and so the challenge begun! After taking on the challenge of shortening my showering time …

Time, BRITAs and Nalgenes

Over the past few weeks I’ve been taking note of when I grab a plastic bottle instead of refilling one of my …

Bad Bottle Behavior :(

  After observing my behavior over the past week, I can honestly say I am ready for a change. The behavior I …

The Power of a Shower

Because I am attempting to lower the time and temperature of my daily showers, this past week I tried to be more …