We are our own worst enemies.

I absolutely loved being able to form a community with my fellow vegans. I have to be honest to everyone reading this: I have been struggling with this behavior change. Despite my initial belief that this would be something very simple for me it has in turn proved me oh so very wrong. Reading the posts from the other members of my group gave me the motivation and inspiration to try harder than I previously was. If they can do it then why can’t I? The only thing preventing me from being more successful was myself. I’ve now adopted one of my fellow vegan’s tactic to reduce barriers. I have been forcing myself to watch what I eat at every meal and resist any temptation I may experience by having vegan food readily available at all times. One consistent theme I found with all of us is that the way we feel has changed in some way. Most of us have more energy since giving up meat. We all seem to be more conscious of these poor animals and having all intentions to influence our friends and family to change the way they live as well. One thing I noticed is we all seem to have a huge sense of pride in ourselves for helping in reducing a very harmful industry and contributing to saving those cute little animals. ANIMAL-RIGHTS

I would have loved to form this community of us vegans earlier in the semester. It always helps having someone to push and motivate you and in my case this couldn’t be more true. I needed that one person to help remind me not to grab that sandwhich full of meat when I was in a rush. I also really enjoyed being able to read everyone else’s views and ideas on the same topic as me. Throughout this whole process I was always curious how other people were handling their new behavior change and what their reasoning was behind choosing the behavior that they did.

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