I Get By With A little Help From My (plastic free) Friends

urlHey the Beatles had it right… sometimes all you need is a little help from your friends and in the case of Team No Plastic that’s exactly what happened. As I am getting closer and closer to the end of my behavior challenge- life with out plastic water bottles is becoming much more routine. However, with more time comes increasing temptation and having the “Team No Plastic” community really helped me get by this week when temptation came knocking.

Similarly to Dane I have been having a lot of trouble with the convenience that plastic water bottles provide so it was nice to know that I’m not the only one that can become weak to plastic bottles when time is of the essence. As I continued to read through the rest of the Team No Plastic blogs I continually realized that I am not alone in my weakness to plastic. This was reassuring and inspired me to continue on!

Another similarity I found in our community was that self control is a huge part of our change as Miranda put it- plastic is almost being forced upon us. For each of us to succeed we need to constantly remind ourselves not to buy a plastic water bottle, carry our reusable water bottles (as well as fill them up when needed) and bring reusable bags with us to the store. Self control is probably a challenge for the other teams as well and I really commend everyone for testing their levels of self control! Even within Team Plastic there are different levels of self control because we each have individual goals that want to be met. Miranda is cutting out almost all plastic whereas Dane, Nick and I are reducing our plastic water bottle consumption- with each person comes different approaches to making the change and different challenges within our changes. It was really a pleasure learning about each of my community members journeys’ so that I could learn and grow within mine too!

I was able to learn from Miranda’s dedication to cutting out all plastics, relate to Dane’s issue of time and Nick’s recommendation of the the water lever at Lower has been life changing! I guess sometimes all I needed is a little help from my sustainable behavior friends!



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