Have YOU Hugged a Vegetarian Today?

tumblr_lxebpvu9ck1r08h92There are just two more weeks left of going meatless 4/7 days of the week, and I’m going to have to say that I’m going to excitingly continue this past the two week deadline. I don’t miss chicken nuggets, cheeseburgers, or ham sandwiches. Mainly, I am most excited about doing a good deed for our planet each day, and taking that small step to hopefully create a difference. While looking at the turkey burger station at Marquis dining hall, I’ve somehow developed the irrational mindset of “don’t eat that turkey burger, or else you’ll make global warming worse, Jen!” As crazy as that sounds, it works, and I’ve encouraged my friends to think that way along with me. I have every hope that this one cumulative effort can help, even if it’s miniscule.

Having this voice inside my head telling me that eating meat will only make global warming worse, is a great way to reduce barriers in going meatless, however I’m going to try something new to continue with. Aside from constantly reminding myself, I am making an additional effort to ensure that I remain true to myself as well as accountable. I will reward myself on Sundays with a type of sweets: a cookie, a cupcake, a brownie, just one, but something I really enjoy to compensate for giving up meat and living a much more sustainable lifestyle by eliminating meat from my diet. This benefit, such as one cookie once at the end of every week, will not be overly consumptive or non-sustainable, and will not be negating the progress I have been making. Additionally, I will only get this reward if I DO meet my goals of not eating meat 4/7 days of the week. If I cave one day and eat a chicken cutlet sandwich, then I will not get my cookie. And tell me, who wouldn’t want a cookie on a Sunday night before the grueling workweek begins? I have a sweet tooth, so this benefit is extremely individualized and works best for me. My biggest struggle so far has been what I’ve talked about previously: choosing to NOT get meat when everyone around me such as my friends and peers are getting meals including meat with me. I am constantly tempted, and occasionally forget. As I look back on our “Sustainable Behavior” day in class, I acknowledge that a strategy that do work, is getting people to commit to smaller challenges first. No, I’m not going to save the world today or tomorrow by eliminating meat consumption, but by encouraging other people to minimize their meat consumption, just by a little, cumulatively it can make a huge difference. Originally, I was very skeptical about the whole “vegetarian” concept. I love animals as does everyone else, but it’s part of our culture to eat chicken and steak. Now I realize it’s much more than that. It’s about our earth, it’s about the health of our planet. And for that, when I find out someone is a vegetarian, I will give them a hug.

Finally, since I am at the midway point, I do conclude that I will continue this behavior change beyond EVST100, because I genuinely feel that this is one small step towards a better tomorrow for this world. And if I never get to see the impact I make, maybe my great great great grandchildren will, and that’s good enough for me.

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