3d Printing/Additive Manufacturing: An Interdisciplinary Study

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 group (Nick Hepp and Ryan McVeigh)

Date: Spring 2013

Course Instructor: Professor Cohen

Project Links: Memo and Website

Abstract:  We live in an era of technological development that is fueled by widespread communication, and the ease of data transfer. The Internet and wireless communication networks have made it possible for collaboration unseen only twenty years ago. With this ability to rapidly disperse all types of information, our society is at an important junction of regulation and technological development. It is important to answer the question of whether or not a technology should be developed. One innovation that has recently reached the global spotlight is Additive Manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing is at a pivotal point in its development, and it is for this reason that both engineers and non-engineers must analyze its current uses, potential uses, and the effects it can have on our world. In this case study we aim to answer the question: “What is an interdisciplinary approach to understanding additive manufacturing?” by expanding the ethical, environmental, economical, and society contexts surrounding this technology. Thus this project is an analysis of 3D printing for students and the general public alike, to develop a deeper understanding of this technology and the impact it could have on our society. It is only after developing this understanding that we can make informed decisions on the role that 3D printing technology should play in society. Should it continue to be developed, or should its funding be cut in order to fund more beneficial technologies?

Tags: EGRS 451, Spring 2013, 3d Printing, additive manufacturing, IDEAL, ethics

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