Assessing Lafayette’s Sustainability Initiatives

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 group (Ayodeji Odusami and Joelle Neilson)

Date: Spring 2012

Course Instructor: Professor Cohen

Project Links: Memo

Abstract: Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations. The topic of sustainability has emerged as a result of significant concerns about the unintended social, environmental, and economic consequences of rapid population growth, economic growth and consumption of our natural resources. Over the past couple of years, Lafayette College has strived to become more sustainable and has implemented numerous technology based initiatives in an effort to become an institutional leader in environmental stewardship. Some of the completed projects have focused on energy and resource conservation, alternative energy, green movement, and LEED certification on new constructions and renovation.

Although the institution’s proactive approach towards the topic of sustainability is admirable, there is a growing debate and concern within the Lafayette community that these practices are not efficient or sustainable in the long-run. Our project aims to break down this debate through a case study analysis and provide clear answers on this subject with respect to the college. More specifically, our project aims to increase overall awareness on the topic of sustainability in order to increase students’ involvement in such practices, encourage the adoption of more efficient sustainable technology at the college, encourage long term management of sustainable initiatives and most importantly bridge the gap between the student body and administration on this topic.

Tags: EGRS 451, Spring 2012, Sustainability

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