Solar Charging for an Electric Vehicle

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 (Matthew Bernhard)

Date: Spring 2012

Course Instructor: Professor Cohen

Links: Memo and Picture of the Model

Abstract: A common misconception is that electric vehicles and plug-­‐in hybrids are environmentally friendly. These vehicles reduce emissions by using little or no gasoline, but depending on the source of their electricity, they may not be reducing emissions at all. This project is a feasibility study of solar charging as an option for electric vehicle owners that use their vehicles to transport them to work (Lafayette College) and back. The study is based off of Professor Carolyn Buckley’s electric car, a Myers Motors NmG, but could be applied to future electric vehicles on campus. While the main goal of this project is to determine if a solar powered electric vehicle charger could be built and installed at Lafayette, the project will also help to educate students in the benefits of solar energy.

Tags: EGRS 451, Spring 2012, energy, sustainability

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