Industrial Site Arts Redevelopment

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 (Thomas Golaszewski)

Date: Spring 2012

Course Instructor: Professor Cohen

PDF Links: Memo and Booklet

Abstract: The Lehigh Valley has been devastated by the loss of its industrial economy over the last half century. More than many areas in the country, the Lehigh Valley has an abundance of sites that used to function as factories and mills but now sit idle as memories of the past. These sites have tremendous potential to be redeveloped in a way that positively impacts the community instead of contributing to a loss of local cultural heritage. The purpose of the project was to examine the reuse of former industrial sites as community arts and cultural centers. The primary research question was, how can local instances of industrial site restoration into art and community centers be used as an example for others around the world? The Silk Mill redevelopment project in Easton offers a strong example of how such restoration can be possible.

Tags: EGRS 451, Spring 2012, arts

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