Connecting EGRS and the Nurture Nature Center

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 Group (Jeffrey Duck and Brian Lynch)

Date: Spring 2012

Course Instructor: Professor Cohen

PDF and Video Links: Memo and Video

Abstract: This project asked: How can we increase involvement from the Lafayette community in the Nurture Nature Center’s mission? More specifically, how can we encourage members of the Lafayette community to attend NNC programming or to follow up with project recommendations of environmental issues that we have identified as potential future NNC program topics? To address these questions, the group produced a video meant to introduce the NNC to Lafayette students and to show the ways EGRS students in the future might work with the NNC toward goals of mutual benefit.

Tags: EGRS 451, Spring 2012, Community Engagement, Nurture Nature Center, Green Roofs, Water Management, Dam Removal, Sustainability

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