Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 group (Nicholas Bisignano, Peter Gross, Monica Nelson, Jonathan Simmons)
Date: Fall 2013
Course Instructor: Professor Cohen
Project Links: Memo and Brochure Side A and B
Abstract: As capstone Engineering Studies students with an interest in taking on a sustainable development for our final project, we realized that we share the vision of the IDEAL Center in fostering student initiatives in a multidisciplinary nature. With a two month time frame, we believe that we are not be able to make a significant impact on sustainable development at Lafayette College, especially given that there are many existing sustainability clubs including Lafayette Environmental Awareness and Protection (LEAP) and the Sustainability Committee. We concluded that we could have a most significant impact on sustainability at Lafayette College by spreading awareness of the importance of sustainable development, informing students about the current status of sustainable efforts at Lafayette College, and presenting students with the opportunity to get involved and make a difference. We designed a brochure for sustainability at Lafayette College with a compilation of several sustainability efforts we believe are most important and will attract the interest of most students. We advertised the IDEAL Center on the back of the brochure as a place for students interested should go to start their own sustainability initiative or get involved in existing clubs. The brochures can be distributed on campus to target demographics as well as exposure to a large portion of the student body in Acopian Engineering Center, Farinon Student Center, and Skillman Library.
Tags: EGRS 451, Fall 2013, sustainability, IDEAL