Art, Engineering, and Nature

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 Group (Ann Hollyday)

Date: Spring 2012

Course Instructor: Professor Cohen

Project Links: Memo and

Abstract: This project started with the idea that nature was the first artist and the first engineer. For this reason, art and engineering are eternally connected. From here I considered the ways in which nature and society are continually separated and how this separation is ultimately undesirable for humanity. As society sees itself as a separate entity from nature, society harms and destroys nature in pursuit of its own progress and prosperity. However, because human are ultimately connected to and dependent upon the natural environment as a life sources harming nature is a self-destructive process. Thus, the project’s research question was as follows: How can we establish a stronger connection between art and engineering in order to respect nature and create a more humane structure for society and culture? To address that question I produced a series of TEDTalk-like videos (Intro, Background, Main).

Tags: EGRS 451, Spring 2012, Arts, Sustainability

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