Misinformation and Hydraulic Fracturing

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 (Max Caserta)

Date: Spring 2012

Course Instructor: Professor Cohen

Website Link: http://misinformationhf.wordpress.com/

Abstract: The website created for this project is intended to help identify and interpret certain forms of information produced about hydraulic fracturing.  Because there are many perspectives involved in the hydraulic fracturing discussion there are many different sources of information. When information is presented with misleading or information with-holding descriptions it can be a form of misinformation. Misinformation is not good because it can create false identities in the public perception of an ideal.  Every source of information, whether it be the government, public interest groups, or industry advocate, has their own view on hydraulic fracturing and what its overall impact is. This process of information production encounters problems when a tilted perspective is promoted to an under-educated public.  To help an individual begin to learn about the complex hydraulic fracturing process “An Introduction to Hydraulic Fracturing and Misinformation” can offer a starting point.

Tags: EGRS 451, Spring 2012, fracking, energy

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