Lectures and Conference Papers

  • American Musicological Society, Greater New York Chapter
  • British Institute in Florence
  • “…cantus ecclesiasticum ut ornaret…:  Polyphony for the Proper of the Mass in the Middle Ages and Renaissance,” Faculteit Letteren, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
  • Columbia University Seminar in the Renaissance
  • Convegno Internazionale.  Leone X:  Finanza, mecenatismo, cultura, Roma 2-4 novembre
  • “Hearing the Motet:  A Conference on the Motet of the Middle Ages and Renaissance,” Washington University, St. Louis
  • Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, University of Wales, Bangor
  • Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford
  • “Petrarch and the Arts, 1300-1700,” The Johns Hopkins University
  • Program in Italian Studies, Princeton University
  • Renaissance Society of America
  • Seventeenth-Century Ballet:  A Multi-Art Spectacle.  An International Interdisciplinary Symposium
  • Williams College

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