ITS Coffee Break for 5/15/08

On the edition of the ITS Coffee Break, hosts Ken Newquist and Courtney Bentley explain ITS’s summer plans for Moodle, look at how Twitter is keeping people up to date with happenings in the Senate and House of Representatives, take a sneak peak at Open Office 3.0 and check out Google Reader’s ability to share notes. They also announce the early summer workshops for Moodle, Opinio, podcasting, Photoshop and more.

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ITS Coffee Break for 4/24/2008

On this week’s edition of the Coffee Break, hosts Ken Newquist and Courtney Bentley talk about Lafayette’s electronics recycling event for Green Week, announce when the Fall and Summer 2008 courses will be created in Moodle, and ask for feedback on how faculty use multimedia online.

In Tech News, they talk about PayPal’s decision to block visitors using old Web browsers, speculate on addition of New York Times news stories to Google Earth, and check out some new web applications for Facebook. Finally, Help News has tips on evaluating the effectiveness of your web site, as well as announcements about upcoming brownbag lunchs and workshops. Continue reading

ITS Coffee Break for 3/31/2008

On this edition of the ITS Coffee Break, hosts Courtney Bentley and Ken Newquist talk about the newly-released Moodle 1.9 and its improved Gradebook module and Ken reports on his recent visit to DrupalCon Boston. In Tech News, they discuss the fate of college rumor site Juicy Campus, the merits of campus text alerts, and find out how some faculty are using Twitter. Continue reading