ITS Coffee Break #74: Class of 2017, Raspberry Pi, Google Glass, WordPress 3.6

In Episode #74 we welcome the Class of 2017, talk about ITS’s new offices in the lower level of Skillman Library, and talk about higher ed at DrupalCon. In Tech News we look at the garage-style computer Raspberry Pi and the new wearable computer Google Glass. Finally in Help News we take a look at the changes coming in WordPress 3.6.

Getting the Podcast


  • Welcome Class of 2017!
    • Accounts are being created; students should be getting theirs soon.
  • DrupalCon: Portland, May 2013
  • ITS’s new digs:
    • We have new offices in the lower level of Skillman Library.
    • WebDev, AIS, CIO, and Project Planning are now located there.


  • Raspberry Pi
    • From the site: “The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.”
    • OS: Debian by default, but supports Fedora and ArchLinux.
  • Google Glass


  • Changes coming to WordPress!
    • WordPress 3.6 is in beta. New features include:
      • Add audio and video to a post … and have it display with an inline player!
      • TwentyThirteen responsive theme
    • New plugins for sites.laf and depts.laf:
      • Code: Display your code beautifully inline!
      • MathJax: Add equations to your blog posts
    • Suggestions wanted!


We’re always looking for feedback:

One thought on “ITS Coffee Break #74: Class of 2017, Raspberry Pi, Google Glass, WordPress 3.6

  1. Good show! In terms of WordPress tips, I wonder if it’d be worthwhile to mention a few of the widgets that are available. Sometimes it seems a site admin doesn’t know a good way to make a short-term announcement, so they’ll create a call-out for it or even jam something into their homepage’s intro text. If you don’t have an Announcements posts page, a text widget’s a good to handle it. Just a thought…

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