The Countdown From Newark Airport Begins

After completing my externship, it just hit me. I’m going to Costa Rica! In a few hours from now, I’ll be leaving from a flight out of here.

I really do not want to make any assumptions of our trip because as I have learned from a previous internship to Honduras two summers ago, I tend to over generalize. I’m ready to learn, meet new people, become closer to our team, and bring these new ideas and apply them to our campus.

I’m looking forward to learning more about Costa Rican culture and traditions. I even focused my Latin American history project on Costa Rica’s brief civil war. Finally, I want to continue to learn more about sustainable practices in different Latin American countries.


Off to Haiti

In the true spirit of procrastination, I’m posting my pre-trip reflection the day we fly out to Haiti. I don’t think the fact that I’m going to Haiti has hit me yet. When I’ve traveled out of the country in the past, I usually don’t get the “wow, I’m going to be in another country” feeling until the plane is close to landing. I am confident, though, that I will experience that moment later today when we approach the landing strip in Haiti.

Nonetheless, I’m incredibly excited to actually get started on our service work. Our team was unsure of what exactly we were going to be doing up until about a month ago. I can’t wait to make our impact in Jacmel, Haiti by working on a home to house those still homeless from the January 2010 earthquake. While I’ve done my fair share of traveling, I have never been on a service trip before. I look forward to being able to make an impact in the Jacmel community and help Haitians. Other than leaving a physical mark, I’m excited to interact with people throughout the ten days, from just having a conversation with a local to visiting an orphanage. The fact that the country we’re doing service in is Haiti does not really phase me at all. When it comes to traveling, I have very few reservations, probably due to the fact that the first time I went to India was when I was three years old. To me, Haiti is just another country in need of help from compassionate people like each member of our group.

Well, I am all packed and ready to head to JFK tomorrow. Though I’ll miss being at home for the remainder of the break, I consider myself so lucky to have the opportunity to participate in this ASB trip to Jacmel and I cannot think of a better way to spend time off from school.

Who’s really helping Haiti?

Tomorrow my team and I will be on a plane bound for Port-au-Prince. Probably the only country in the world which has a notorious last name: the poorest country in the western hemisphere. If in the past Haiti was the glory of the French colonies and the first independent nation in Latin America in 1804, nowadays the country faces the challenge of rebuilding a shattered and impoverished nation.

We can all remember how the response to the January 2010 earthquake was sluggish, chaotic and insufficient. Since then many countries around the world have pledged to assist Haiti, but the lack of coordination has so far halted the so-called transformation of the country and the establishment of a functioning and efficient government.

It has been two years since the earthquake, but I feel that little has changed in Haiti for the better although I’ve never been there. As I read and learn more about the history of the country, I realize that by no means this is the first tragedy that the country has ever faced. I was astonished to know that for almost 30 years, until 1986, the Haitian population suffered under a brutal dictatorship which greatly contributed to the impoverishment of Haiti. On top of that, I realized that the rampant poverty of Haiti has been one of the best funding sources of its elite and corrupt government.  They transformed the misery of the slums of Port-au-Prince into their best exporting product, managing to get millions of dollars from several governments around the word. This happened in the past and certainly is happening right now, in the aftermath of the earthquake. I believe that the government has not done much with all the money it got, and it seems that Haiti is solely run by the hundreds and hundreds of NGOs scattered all over the country. Sometimes, they might be no better than the government: there is corruption, and lack of coordination and planning.

Realizing this harsh reality, I wonder:  so, after all, is it worth donating money to Haii? Traveling there? Is it possible to change anything at all? The only answer I can find is yes, it is indeed possible to change something if we decide to do our best to make a difference. NGOs might not be perfect organizations, but I’m sure that right now there are thousands of people honestly concerned about the harsh reality of the Haitian population. They are willing to sacrifice and work hard not to teach Haiti what it should do, but instead temporarily assist its development to strengthen the self-empowerment of Haiti’s government, public institutions, and above all, its people. This is how I see our trip to Haiti: more than building houses, this is a unique opportunity to meet and interact with Haitians, forming bonds of friendship, cooperation and learning. I’m really looking forward to travelling to Haiti on Wednesday, and I have been doing my best to get there prepared: besides studying French, I’ve been trying to learn a few sentences in Haitian Creole. A great start to an unforgettable experience down in Jacmel, Haiti!!

Pre-Trip Post

Less than two days until my trip and I am honestly more nervous that excited. Don’t get me wrong, my first time traveling to a different country other than the Dominican Republic is bound to make me excited. However, since I don’t know what to expect or how to fully prepare, that clouds my excitement. I barely know my team so that definitely adds to the nervousness. Anyone else who applies to ASB, I will definitely try to make them come to the meetings so they can feel a little more comfortable around their team. I would also do all I can do find out why they aren’t coming to meetings. I digress. All this worrying is for nothing but I’m so used to worrying that I don’t know what else to do. Not to mention that I don’t come from the most supportive place. Whatever. That’s never stopped me before, I’ll have fun, even by myself.

On a different note, I don’t have expectations. I want to go in this trip with no preconceived notions or judgments. Let’s do this.

I think this trip will be one of moments in my life I’d probably never forget. Even though I don’t know my team as well as I should and they don’t know me, they will be people that I will always remember and associate with my time in Costa Rica. I’m grateful that although my team leader and I don’t have the best relationship, I’m still a part of the group. Okay well I’m done blabbing right now. See you in a couple weeks! God Bless.

Pre-service Goals

I am getting more excited about the wonderful experiences that our team will have at La Gran Vista, a sustainable organic farm, each day we get closer to our departure. As a team, we’ve had a few months to get to know each other, learn more about Costa Rica, and individually think about what want to accomplish on our service trip. I imagine that each of us value certain elements of the trip differently. Before I leave, I want to reflect on the parts of the trip that I value personally and identify my personal goals for the upcoming service trip.

I spent much of the last few years learning about the environment and becoming a more informed citizen. Through my studies and the service work in which I participated in recent years, I learned much about the immediate problems facing the environment. I feel like have a slightly better understanding of the world as compared to when I first became interested in the environment; however, my picture of the world is incomplete, still developing, and constantly changing. I am excited to have a direct positive impact on the environment and to learn more about sustainable agriculture and the region of Costa Rica we will be traveling to.

It is a great privilege to be able to share the upcoming week with knowledgeable and interesting people who have similar values as myself, but as I have learned over the past few months, all come from different backgrounds and have unique experiences. I am really looking forward to learning more about my teammates not only during the trip, but also during the upcoming semester as we continue our service experience back in the Lafayette community.

Rather than looking at the work we do in Costa Rica as insignificant or something that will have a small impact on the world, I see nothing insignificant about this upcoming experience. This trip is a meaningful service learning opportunity that will help me shape my personal view of the world, and although I am off-campus for the direct service component of the trip, it will partially define how I remember my time at Lafayette. I am very much looking forward to my ASB trip to Costa Rica, and I look forward to sharing my expereince when I return.

Until then,


Pre-Trip Post

Hey everyone! It’s saturday night and we have three days until we depart! While I finished packing a couple of hours ago, I am now so excited to finally get there. Last year, I was on the Ecuador ASB trip, where we learned about sustainable living and built a botanical garden in the jungle. This was my first time out of the country, for a reason other than vacation, and I learned so much more than I could have imagined. What was interesting about this service experience however was that we were there to learn their way of living, with intentions of bringing these ways to the United States, instead of helping a village in need. Applying for the Haiti trip this year, I knew that I was in for a completely different type of trip, as this is more about helping the people of Haiti who have suffered tremendous losses from the earthquake. I look forward to helping as much as I can, coming away with new perspectives and also new friends. As you all know I have been in contact with Lafayette alumni, Alan Griffith and his wonderful wife, Penny. They have sent me many cards in the mail, which included pictures of the land and people there, as well as a book about Haiti after the earthquake, which I have started to read. I bring them up because they invested much of their time in Haiti prior to the earthquake. I look forward to gaining knowledge of the progress there and sharing incredible stories with the Griffiths, as they have shared their gratitude with us through a generous donation and it will be nice to give back this way. Can’t wait for an awesome week and a half!

Let the adventure begin…

Although team Haiti departs on Tuesday, I will start my journey early tomorrow morning.  My bag is packed and all of my stuff is by the door. I have listened and acquired a myriad of tips from everyone I know who has been involved in Haiti and now I’m excited to make my own memories. I am mostly looking forward to the crafts and the beautiful and interesting culture that all of my friends have told me about. Everyone keeps saying that despite the mishaps  this country has experienced there is an elegance in the way that they over come  obstacles. I am so excited to start working and to spend time with my team. The day we land we get to travel from our work site and will see a lot of the country side. I have been anxiously awaiting tomorrow and I have no doubt that this trip will exceed my expectations! Plus, it is way to cold here in Philadelphia!

Let The Countdown Begin!!

We have finally approached the one week mark! In exactly seven days my team and I will touchdown in Haiti. I’ve had my bag packed since before Christmas, so I think it’s safe to say that I’m extremely excited!!  As many of my fellow teammates have said, I am also excited to get away from these “Arctic winds” and cold temperatures in New York, but most importantly, I am excited to help make a difference in the life of people who lost so much.  I’m anxious about getting out there and learning how to build home.  I’m also ready to make some strong connections with the CCH community leaders  as well as the residents we will interact with.  I’m not sure what to expect, but I know that I will learn so much about myself, the rest of my team, and the Haitian culture.  I’m looking forward to a life changing yet eye opening experience.

Haiti 2012

Hey Everyone!

Haiti in one week! Can you believe it? I am not sure if it really has set in for me as it has for some of my fellow Haiti travelers. I mention the travel plans at least briefly to all I come by, but despite me talking about it quite frequently, it still feels as if the trip is months away. To help prepare for the trip, I took anti-malarial medicine today. I also stopped by a local hunting store and purchased insect repellent with a 98.1% DEET concentration. If that does not keep the mosquitoes away from me, I do not know what will! I still have lots to do, including running to the bank to exchange twenties for singles and buying work gloves. Like Jiselle, I am excited to escape this cold weather we have in Pennsylvania at the moment, even if it means being hot, sticky, and exhausted from a long day of rebuilding homes. From this trip, I hope, foremost, to give back to a community that has had many things taken from them by mother nature. I also hope to be a more well-rounded, knowledgable, and appreciative person when I arrive home. I hope this service trip goes smoothly and that it is the positive experience that I anticipate it to be for all.

See you all in a week!


One week until Haiti!!

As Lisa and Lorre posted, our ASB team has one week until we encounter the adventures of Haiti! I have been packed for the trip since the last week of finals and slowly accepting how fast time has past since I first found out that I was going on the trip in September! I find myself forgetting that by this time next week we will be in Haiti. I am currently freezing and curled up in blankets as I type this post and am definitely looking forward to the warm weather. But I know the service itself will trump any warm weather. After receiving the several travel warning emails I found myself getting nervous about the trip, but once I explain what our team will be doing to a friend or stranger I grow more and more confident that we will safe and it will all be worth it. I am so excited and ready to face this new challenge and I can’t wait to meet and help the people of Haiti!