Understanding Chicago

Because we are doing work in schools, we haven’t starting any direct service yet. We have been focusing on the culture of the city and the background of the Chicago school system (and others). Today, we watched a video that showed the problems that the American education system as a whole is facing. With such a demand for a good education, the competition to get into the few schools that can almost guarentee success can make or break a student’s dream to graduate and go to college. Tomorrow, we are heading to the. Northwestern University Settlement House to begin our direct service with students in the Chicago Public School system.

3 Replies to “Understanding Chicago”

  1. What a unique perspective, Emily. I’m curious to hear your reflections on your experiences in school and what you encounter this week!

  2. A good education is something that we should demand for all students, regardless of place, race, or income. A great education is what they deserve. I’m glad you’re there making a difference and using your own education to help ensure a great education for others!

  3. The issues faced by the national education network are issues I find most intriguing to reflect about. To some degree, the ability to go to a “good” public school (or really just one that is not failing) depends on a family’s ability to pay the property taxes in the area. A percentage (lets say 10%) of the property tax goes to paying for books, and programs, and other important school-district things (hiring teachers, etc.). It is incredible and very upsetting to realize that a district that has a property tax of 10k per year will get way less money towards important school things than a district that has a property tax of 50k per year. Of course, I’m exaggerating the difference just to make the point, but the ability for a child to attend a good school is so dependent on the circumstances involving the guardian’s finances. Each child should have equal access to a great education, and to continue that education as far as desired – it’s only fair!

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