Understanding Chicago

Because we are doing work in schools, we haven’t starting any direct service yet. We have been focusing on the culture of the city and the background of the Chicago school system (and others). Today, we watched a video that showed the problems that the American education system as a whole is facing. With such a demand for a good education, the competition to get into the few schools that can almost guarentee success can make or break a student’s dream to graduate and go to college. Tomorrow, we are heading to the. Northwestern University Settlement House to begin our direct service with students in the Chicago Public School system.

The Return to the Windy City

I was so excited when I found out that I was going on the ASB Chicago trip. As a Chicago native, the problems with poverty and the educational system really hit home. Coming into this week, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. It’s going to be really great getting to see different parts of the Chicago educational system and how they work. I came from a large high school right outside of Chicago and it will be really interesting to compare the different types of schools and the pros and cons associated with them.