Digital Imaging Studio

The Digital Imaging Studio (DIS) is located in the Williams Visual Arts Building and is hosted by Lafayette’s Art Department. This new facility will reshape arts learning on campus and strengthen multidisciplinary collaborations already underway.

The DIS will provide students with opportunities to explore photography, video, and multimedia art. New lighting systems, green screen technologies, and digital cameras will enable students to experiment with custom-design color environments, real-time light mixing, and digital capture and compositing. An additional state-of-the-art laser scanner camera will enhance Art History’s virtual reality capabilities. It will also allow for the development of new courses that offer students extraordinary visual access to cultural sites and works of art in context.

In the near future, students will use the DIS to document their work (e.g., paintings, sculptures, etc.) and advanced students will have the opportunity to make new media and multimedia projects. The DIS will serve digital art classes and first-year seminar writing courses related to photography, art, and media. The space will act as a catalyst for collaborations with STEM disciplines and strengthen Lafayette’s multidisciplinary virtual reality “community of practice.”

If you have questions or would like to learn more, please complete our contact form or reach out to Prof. Karina Skvirsky or Prof. Nestor Gil.