History of the Council | Administrative Council Charter

Lafayette College has a great tradition of employing top-notch people who are dedicated to and inspired by the mission of enhancing the experience of our students – past, present and future.  As we continue the tradition of excellence at the College, the Administrative Council is positioned to assist the College, and each other to improve.  This Council is a conduit of information to and from the administrative staff.

The Administrative Council is an elected body, with a representative from every division.  The work of the Council is published on this website so that constituents are kept up to date.  This site is also an opportunity for you to see what is new and, more importantly, participate in the discussions and actions that will keep Lafayette among the most dedicated and resourceful higher education communities in the nation.

The Admin Council members  currently have four key areas of focus, all working toward the common mission of improving the experience of Lafayette staff on an ongoing basis.

Current Council Committees and their missions:

  • Benefits Committee:
    • Mission: The Benefits Committee of the Administrative Council leverages its role as a working group of administrators to inform Human Resources about benefit opportunities within the Lafayette community. The Committee assesses current staff benefits and makes recommendations on behalf of administrators and researches best practices at Lehigh Valley, peer, and aspirant institutions. The Committee aims to elevate the comprehensive benefits package offered to Lafayette employees to meet the needs of an ever changing environment and workforce.
    • Vision: We envision a workplace where Lafayette is a leader among LVAIC and peer institutions in the benefits offered. This comprehensive benefits package would include:
      • Paths for growth and advancement that are incorporated in the formal performance review process.
      • Education benefits that support the professional growth of employees
      • Healthcare benefits that support the comprehensive physical and mental care of employees and their families.
      • Additional benefits or perks that support families as they navigate life milestones and challenges (purchasing a house or new car, caregiver support, etc.)
      • Formal college-supported flexible work options
      • Recognition of employee accomplishments, success, and milestones
  • Campus Organizational Committee:
    • Mission: To advocate for the development of clear college-wide procedures and policies with consistency in implementation, the establishment of a centralized hub for staff information and resource sharing, and to foster a culture of collaboration amongst all staff and administrators on campus.
    • Vision: A synergistic workplace in which employees are knowledgeable of institutional expectations, confident in their job responsibilities, and aware of their influence across campus.
  • Social Committee
    • Mission: To cultivate a cohesive community by organizing fun, engaging, and entertaining activities and events.  To encourage employees’ personal and professional productivity, and physical and mental well-being by achieving a good work-life balance.
    • Vision: Establish a positive workplace by creating an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere.  Foster camaraderie, friendship, and attain a sense of community to boost morale and create a happier environment for all employees.
  • Welcome Committee
    • The mission of the Administrative Council Welcome Committee, after onboarding with Human Resources, is to inform employees about the Administrative Council’s mission as a voice for the campus community and to enhance interaction with the Council.
    • Vision: To partner with the campus Community to ensure that transitioning members of the Lafayette community have the information and resources necessary to succeed in their career at Lafayette.

Please take advantage of this site by visiting regularly for updates, but most importantly, contributing to the cause by sharing what you are doing to make Lafayette College a better place.  It will take individual and group efforts from everyone on campus for us to build from our strengths and bring the vision of our future to fruition.