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Carrie Rohman is Professor of English at Lafayette College.  Her Environmental Humanities research and teaching interests include animal studies, performance, modernism, critical theory, and posthumanism.  She has also published recent work in Critical University Studies.  Her first book, Stalking the Subject: Modernism and the Animal (Columbia, 2009), addresses the discourse of animality in modernist literature, and she co-edited the collection Virginia Woolf and the Natural World: Selected Papers of the Twentieth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf (Clemson, 2011).  Her second monograph, Choreographies of the Living: Bioaesthetics in Literature, Art, and Performance (Oxford, 2018) examines the bio-impulse at the heart of all aesthetics, and calls for a re-thinking of the artistic as a more-than-human capacity that has performative embodiment at its center.  Her co-edited volume, Broken Record: Narratives of Gendered Abuse in Academia, with Mary K. Holland and Carlyn Ferrari, Afterward by Sara Ahmed, is forthcoming (SUNY, 2025).

Rohman’s work has appeared in such journals as Modernism/modernity, Hypatia, American Literature, Mosaic, Criticism, Comparative Critical Studies, Deleuze Studies, Modern Fiction Studies, and in many edited volumes.  Rohman serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for the Series in Animals and Literature at Palgrave/Macmillan.