QRS Protocols

Sign-On Checklist

  • Call Non-Emergency Public Safety (610) 330-5330
  • Radio in to Laf EMS President to indicate that you are on shift
  • Check QRS Supplies (Checklist)
    • Notify Laf EMS Board if supplies are missing or low

Unit Names

  • Public Safety Dispatch Name: “Lafayette
  • QRS Unit Name: “Lafayette EMS

Radio Channels

  • LC Dispatch: Used to communicate with Public Safety
  • OPS1: Used to communicate with EES/County
  • TAC3: Used to communicate with Easton Fire

Radio Communication

When waiting for a call, keep both radios on LC Dispatch channel.

  • Receiving a call
    • Wait for “Lafayette” to state “Lafayette to Lafayette EMS
    • Respond “Lafayette, go ahead
    • Public Safety Dispatch will respond with call information
  • Responding to a call
    • Reply to Public Safety Dispatch stating “Received, Lafayette EMS Responding
    • Keep one radio on LC Dispatch, switch second radio to OPS1
  • On scene
    • Utilize the responding Public Safety Officers to communicate with Public Safety dispatch on scene
    • Only communicate on OPS1 with responding EMS Unit under extreme circumstances
    • Communicate with responding EMS Unit by first stating “Lafayette EMS to responding EMS Unit” and once acknowledged, briefly state patient updates
    • Public Safety Officers will not notify dispatch when all units are clear of the scene

On-Scene Protocol

  • Transfer of Care form
    • Record the time of dispatch, arrival, and clear of scene
    • Record all patient information and interventions performed
    • Sign form before giving the original copy to the responding crew
    • If the responding crew is not from EES, have them sign the transfer of care form as well
  • Refill any supplies used from the responding ambulance if rapid transport is not needed
  • Wipe down any equipment used with disinfecting wipes at the end of the call

Sign-Off Checklist

  • Note any supplies used while on call on the QRS Supplies – Used list
  • Remove any trash
  • Ensure that the bubble is in working condition, clean, and that all supplies are organized
  • Wash the bubble, if needed
  • Hand off the bubble keys to subsequent QRS Crew or return the bubble to the shed if there is no crew scheduled to follow your crew
  • Relay any pertinent bubble-related issues to the receiving crew and to the Laf EMS Board
  • If you are the last crew of the day, call the Non-Emergency Public Safety number to relay that Laf EMS is out of service
  • Update QRS Shift Notes for your shift, if necessary


For more detailed information, please refer to our QRS Protocols.