
I am a scholastically-trained water resources engineer whose primary research foci have been in fluvial geomorphology, specifically in understanding the codependent interactions between river hydraulics, channel evolution, stream habitat, and societal land use. My research projects under this umbrella have varied in scope and focus, but can generally be defined within the following categories:

  • River Morphology – providing a hydraulic and geomorphic narrative by mapping and interpreting the river landforms and change mechanisms at multiple spatial scales
  • River Hydraulics – analyses of flow-dependent hydraulics from natural or managed regimes as they affect morphology, habitat areas, and erosion patterns
  • Dam Removal – analyses of the bio-physical and socio-economic impacts in order to incorporate the needs of fish, landowners, and the public into holistic management plans
  • Stormwater Basins – analyses of flow patterns through stormwater basins and their outlets in order to improve detention efficiency for better designs and retrofits
  • Low Impact Development (LID) – design, implementation, and promotion of LID projects, such as rain gardens, swales, green roofs, permeable pavement, etc.
  • Pedagogy – engaging students using innovative techniques to maintain high levels of interest and therefore high levels of comprehension


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