In this section the team goes into detail about the design plan that we have in place to produce our hand mimic device. We discuss the overall objective, metrics, and constraints. We also discuss what we hope to achieve with out prototypes and testing. The final section is where we evaluate our product so far on a technology readiness level. Click the links below to read further into any of these sections.

Objectives, Metrics, and Constraints

The objectives are the specifications of what we would like our robotics hand to do. Metrics are the specific measurements that we would like our design to meet. Constraints are the specific details that the project must meet.

-Detailed Objectives, Metrics and Constraints-

Prototype and Analysis

Our prototypes will consist of 3D printed fingers (finger tips and joints) and we will move towards prototyping the palm of the hand in the next few weeks. As far as testing the 3D finger tips and joints, they will be initially drawn in AutoCAD in 2D and then drawn in inventor. Once they are drawn in inventor, a stress analysis will be conducted to determine how much force the finger will be able to take so that we know how sturdy to make the fingers. The settings will be adjusted and our specifications for metal will be selected and the same stress analysis test will be conducted to make sure the metallic hand can withstand our specified metrics.

Two thin wires will be run through a singular finger for our last presentation of the semester. The wires will be connected to an a motor and have wires connected to an Arduino board.

-Click to Read More to See Our Prototype-

Technology Readiness Level (TRL)

Technology  Readiness Level (TRL) is a method that will allow us to track the progress of our design as we going throughout the entire process. It is on a scale from 1-9 with 1 being the basic concepts of the design and 9 being a completed project. Our group hopes to use a TRL as a means to help achieve a fully functional prototype by the end of the year.

-Technology Readiness Level Update-


Mid-Year Accomplishments

  • Met team goals
  • Adhered to the mission statement
  • Prototype of single working finger

Click to Read More on Proof of Concept–