Environmental Sustainability and Food Justice

Robyn O’Brien at TEDxAustin 2011 (http://youtu.be/rixyrCNVVGA). Discusses changes in the food US system in recent decades and the impacts on those changes on public health.

What Farm-to-Table Got Wrong. May 17, 2014. Dan Barber, NY Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/18/opinion/sunday/what-farm-to-table-got-wrong.html?ref=opinion&_r=1).

2014 Locavore Index- Highlights Benefits of Food from Local Farms. Strolling of the Heifers (http://www.strollingoftheheifers.com/locavoreindex/).

The Local Food Movement: Setting the Stage for Good Food. MSU Center for Sustainable Food Systems (http://foodsystems.msu.edu/uploads/file/resources/local-food-movement-setting-the-stage.pdf).

Fed Up (film)

Farmland (film)

Growing Cities (film)

Social Sustainability and Social Justice

Reverse Food Truck Caters To Hunger Relief Programs. Jessica Mador, NPR (http://www.npr.org/2014/05/28/316552664/reverse-food-truck-caters-to-hunger-relief-programs).

The Abundant Community by John McKnight and Peter Block

Neighborhood and Community in Building Developmental Assets Scales et. al. (2001). Journal of Community Psychology

Urban agriculture and ecological citizenship in Philadelphia. Travaline, C. and Hunold, C. (2010) Local Environment

Economic Sustainability and Vegetable Distribution Models

14 pointers toward a better food system: Connecting the (local, sustainable) dots, Grist (http://grist.org/food/14-pointers-toward-a-better-food-system-connecting-the-local-sustainable-dots/). Provides examples of successful small-scale local food systems and demonstrates several ways to increase the scale (both physical/natural changes and societal/mental).

Report from Tech Clinic 2012-2013
