
Select student samples from classes I teach, organized thematically:

1. Project-based learning and connecting to cultural content

• Documentary on La Cote d’Ivoire,  reflection on the process and the technology -new to us at the time!(final project Elementary French)

• An ad: watches   (mid-term project in elementary French)

• Interactive i-Book on history–pdf version (mid-term project Intermediate French)

2.Guided proficiency development in the modes through nested  portfolio assignments

• A weekly-reading blog by a physics student  (Elementary French). The students  read what interests them.

•Structure of a course portfolio  :Fren111 for student selections of signature semester work

•J’écris for writing samples (subdivision 1 of Fren111),
•Je lis for interpretive listening and text samples (subdivision 2 of Fren111),
Je parle for presentational speaking,
•Reflection summary: reflection on language study.

•Mapping continuity  in the French program :

•French 103
•Study Abroad

French 111

•Mapping proficiency in a Guided Independent Arabic  program for which I was the director-course designer.

Select student samples from the colleagues involved in the portfolio-badge initiative:

•Mapping  writing development in Intermediate Spanish across the semester

•Demonstration of process writing in Japanese: draft and final version

•Mapping literary analysis in Spanish

•Supporting life-long learning and using the portfolio to build bridges between the secondary and the post-secondary as well as the post-secondary and graduate experiences.

•A capstone, bilingual portfolio in Spanish and Art

•A Capstone Course portfolio in German and Neuroscience

•iWorld Silver Badge awardee