I am an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department at Lafayette College. I am originally from the Philadelphia area, and after completing my BA in Mathematics at Carleton College, I completed a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Minnesota, under the direction of  Jasmine Foo. Then I moved on to complete a postdoc at the University of Michigan, under the mentorship of Trachette Jackson.

My research focuses on mathematical modeling of cancer. For more information, see my research page above. I was previously the intern for the AMS Notices Early Career section, with articles written by mathematicians giving advice to graduate students, new PhDs, and those who mentor them . For the Early Career articles organized by topic, see Angela Gibney’s Early Career page.

At Lafayette, I co-organize the Kovalevsky Society, a mentoring program for female-identifying and non-binary students with interests in the mathematical sciences. If anyone has questions about KS or interest in joining this group, please send us an email at math_mentoring @lafayette.edu.