Conclusion of my Internship in Special Collections
So, this semester has been filled with new experiences and opportunities, one of which has been completing a history internship in Lafayette’s Archives and Special Collections. If you haven’t noticed by my previous posts I have worked extensively with Helen Meyner’s letters, diaries and scrapbooks from her time in Japan and Korea during the Korean War. I was mesmerized not only by the content of her writing but the dedication she had to write down every thought, memory and opinion for two and half years. I admired the commitment Helen had to history, even if at 22 years old she didn’t know her letters would give such insight to the inner workings of the American military. This admiration inspired me to begin writing about my experiences in a journal, with a bit of a modern twist (illustrations and stickers). Not that I expect scholars to be pouring over my summer family trip to Boston in 50 years but perhaps someday it will make an impact on a young student, as Helen did for me.

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