Curriculum Vitae

Here is a reasonably recent CV.


Faculty Teaching Experience

Selected Professional Service

  • I currently serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the AMS.
  • I served as the Provost at Lafayette College (2019-2024).
  • In the 2018-19 academic year I took on a number of responsibilities, including serving as the Dean of the Faculty.
  • I served as Associate Provost for Faculty Development (2010-2014) and Dean of the Curriculum and Resources (2014-15).
  • I have supervised a number of undergraduate students in NSF and locally-sponsored undergraduate research programs.
  • I have refereed a number of papers for various research journals.
  • I have served on a number of MAA and AMS committees.
  • I was the president of the EPaDel Section of the MAA, 2006-2007.
  • I was Lafayette College’s Director of Research Services, 2006-2007.