2 thoughts on “Future Utopian Cities, J. Rubin

  1. You have a lot of great visuals to your story. The comic strips and other illustrations really provided your story about utopian cities easy to follow. I liked how you gave a pretty solid context of where this idea of utopian cities actually came from when you talked about the baby boomers and how people believed this would leave to a denser population and overcrowding issues, leading to eventually the modern day online classes for educational purposes. You provide a great historical context as well about how the Cold War provided a context for rapid improvement and visualization of the future city. There are a lot of great topics you covered such as postal workers, education, entertainment, and even the police force! There is clearly a lot that went into future utopian views. One thing that you can do differently next time is providing maybe a little bit more of a social context for why these ideas were developing and answering the ‘Why’ question rather than the ‘How’ question. Sure they predicted that TV’s would become huge or an increase in the efficiency of travel, but what were some laws or social contexts that provided a means for artists and the average citizen to depict the futuristic society.

  2. Jacob, you provide a great narrative and descriptions as to how people envisioned the future. I couldn’t help to think in a lot of your examples that the movie “Wall-e” was inspired by these utopian visions of the future. While you provided great examples of how the future was envisioned, it would be great to see how did people come up with these ideas and as well as to why were these ideas necessary ? The examples that you used were mostly propaganda, it would be great to see what was seen on television as well as in literature. Your entire presentation was very upbeat, full of in-depth information, and new knowledge that was not discussed in class. I enjoyed the connection you made with what were the vision of the future as to what we have now in our current era, it really provides a parallel as to how we have transformed these visions.

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