The Implementation and Assessment Group on Greek Life met for the final time on March 14, 2014.  The committee reviewed data related to achievement of the four objectives, implementation of the recommendations from the Greek Life Working Group, and formulated a set of recommendations (in draft form) for the “President concerning the Greek Life system at Lafayette based on the metrics established to measure the four criteria outlined by the Board in their directive” (as outlined in the charge to the committee).

The draft report was discussed at the Board Committee on Student Life at its March meeting.  Following the meeting, the draft report was distributed to Student Government, the AISB, the Faculty Committee on Student Life, and the current fraternity and sorority presidents.  Discussions were held or will be held in the next week with those groups to receive feedback on the recommendations.

Late next week, the draft report will be made available on the IAGGL website for all members of the Lafayette community to provide feedback.  Two open forums will be scheduled in late April to receive additional comments from the community.   The final report, with themes  and observations from the feedback received from all constituencies, will be submitted to the Board this May.

We are very pleased to announce that the 10 Greek organizations will present their accreditation materials from the first year of the new accreditation program on April 21, 22, and 23.  Each group will have an opportunity to give a multimedia presentation to capture how they live their values that will be a supplement to any written materials submitted.  The entire submission will be evaluated and feedback provided to each group regarding strengths and areas for improvement.  The results of the accreditation program will be posted on the fraternity and sorority website.  This is a very significant step in terms of transparency and one that I hope the community finds helpful.

As always, I remain willing to answer any questions you may have about this process.