IAGGL met for the first time this fall on Friday, November 22.  There has been some turnover on the committee due to faculty and students rotating off and graduating. The agenda for the meeting included reviewing the original committee charge to ensure the group is on track to meet the objectives established in 2011.

The Committee welcomed Dan Ayala, who was hired in August as the Associate Director of Residence Life and Adviser to Fraternities and Sororities.  Dan discussed his experiences with fall recruitment and the committee discussed a variety of ways to enhance transparency in that process for students.

The Membership Exploration Week website did a better job explaining when events would be held but the group acknowledged that some additional work could be done to help students understand what organizations are seeking in new members.

Dan and Annette discussed the work that has been ongoing with Administrative Information Systems (ITS) to enhance the types of information being stored in Banner.  This has allowed for more accurate reporting of items such as Excel Scholar participation, academic honors and participation in study abroad. Future enhancements to the way information in stored in Banner include keeping track of more club and organization membership for students (currently participation is only recorded for Greek affiliations and varsity athletics).

Dan discussed briefly the work on the new accreditation process that is replacing COMPASS.

A timeline for future meetings was also discussed and it was determined that the Committee would benefit from inviting President Byerly to attend the next meeting.

Also on the agenda for the next meeting is a thorough review of achievement on the metrics to date.  A draft document was distributed to the committee for comment.

Annette Diorio, Ed.D.
Vice President for Campus Life
and Senior Diversity Officer