by  Kaitlin Kinsella

HARRISONBURG, VA — Lafayette College was represented by a “small but mighty team” at James Madison University February 7-8, 2015. At this swing tournament, junior Cassidy Reller and first-year Jasmine Puri gave it their all. These two made their team back at Lafayette proud.
Jasmine Puri, the only novice at Lafayette who travelled to JMU, brought her persuasion to the tournament. When reflecting on the tournament to her teammates she said, “watching the impromptu rounds was amazing – the individuals who competed in it were just so confident”. After watching the impromptu rounds at JMU, Puri decided that she wanted to take on this event and will be competing in impromptu for her first time at Pennsylvania State University on February 14-15. Puri has been an outstanding addition to the team, always rising to every occasion. She has a very bright future in forensics and we can’t wait to see how Jasmine does in all of her future events.
Cassidy Reller showcased his limited prep skills by placing in the top six in extemporaneous speaking. Reller, who competed in persuasion, extemp, and impromptu at JMU, has continuously proven that he is a force to be reckoned with in the Forensics World. Reller’s favorite memory of the tournament was getting to know fellow teammate, Jasmine. Being abroad in Prague last semester meant that he did not have as much time meeting the novices on the team. Because Reller considers the Forensics Team as part of his family at Lafayette, he was grateful he got to travel to JMU with Puri.
Almost the entire speech team traveled to Penn State for the PFA State Tournament on February 14-15. Make sure to check back to see how the team did!