
What I can do in Spanish…

Interpretive Mode


I can usually understand a variety of topics presented live or on TV, radio, film and computer-generated presentations even when they contain idiomatic expressions and slang.
I can generally recognize what I hear even when I hear vocabulary and structures that I have not formally learned.
I can identify the tone, style and the author’s perspective in spoken messages.
I can sometimes paraphrase technical information on unfamiliar products and operating instructions.
I can explain extended speech and lectures and follow complex lines of arguments without too much effort.
I can recognize most kinds of spoken language, whether live or broadcast provided I have some time to get used to the accent.


I can recognize and discuss almost all forms of written abstract and complex texts.
I can identify and describe the meanings of most idiomatic and colloquial expressions.
I can recognize and explain plays on words through examples I select and appraise.
I can examine and discuss texts whose real meaning is not explicit, in order to evaluate possible meaning and formulate basic hypotheses.
I can recognize the social, political or historical background while reading a literary selection.
I can read, identify and explain most forms of the written language, including abstract and complex texts such as specialized articles or literary works.

Interpersonal Mode


I can take part in conversations and discussions, and can adapt to the demands of the conversation.
I can use and understand many idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms effectively.
I can exchange complex information about work-related or professional tasks.
I can participate in discussions and support my opinions and view points on contemporary issues, such as current events, politics, business and other important matters.
I can develop and support hypotheses, working around occasional difficulties.

Presentational Mode


I can summarize information from different sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.
I can present ideas and viewpoints in a very flexible manner in order to give emphasis, to differentiate, and to eliminate confusion.
I can express myself naturally and effortlessly; I only need to pause occasionally in order to select the right words.
I can give clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects.
I can give a clearly developed and well-organized presentation on a subject in my fields of personal or professional interest in a style appropriate to the audience.
I can depart when necessary from the prepared text of my presentation and follow up spontaneously to points raised by members of the audience.
I can correct most errors effortlessly and within the context of the presentation.
I can discuss some abstract topics related to my interests and fields of expertise.
I can sustain a conversation or presentation on most topics by simplifying and reformulating with ease and fluidity.


I can write detailed narratives and descriptions of a factual nature.
I can sustain and support opinions and arguments.
I can write reports and research papers with significant precision and detail.
I can write narrations and descriptions with sustained control of major time frames and moods.