European Council Level – Spanish

The following are my Dialang test scores. Dialang is a language proficiency test, based on the Council of Europe’s “Common European Framework of Reference.” The Framework consists of six levels of language proficiency and is considered the most widely recognized frame of reference in the field of language learning.

A1 – A2 – B1 – B2 – C1 – C2

Basic users Independent users Proficient users

My Scores

Date taken
EU Evaluation
Placement Test 4/30/10 579 People at this level typically have a good basic vocabulary, but may have difficulty handling material that is intended for native speakers.
Listening 4/30/10 B2 At this level, people can understand longer stretches of speech and lectures and follow complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar. They can understand most TV news and current affairs programs.
Vocabulary 4/30/10 B2
Structures 11/22/09 B1
Writing 11/22/09 B1 At this level, people can write simple texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. They can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions
Reading 11/22/09 B2
Vocabulary 11/22/09 B1
Placement Test 12/1/08 539 People who score at this level typically have a good basic vocabulary, but may have difficulty handling material that is intended for native speakers.
Vocabulary 12/1/08 B2
Structures 12/1/08 B1
Reading 12/1/08 B1
Listening 12/1/08 B1 At this level, people can understand the main points of clear “standard” speech on familiar matters connected to work, school, leisure etc. In TV and radio current-affair programs or programs of personal or professional interest, they can understand the main points provided the speech is relatively slow and clear.