“Distortion” Progress Presentation

Hey guys!

Here is the Pilot of my series titled “Distortion”. I am in the editing phase and still working out a lot of kinks, including writing the ending. In addition I have figured out that Margot (my main character) has Schizotypal Personality Disorder, although the character does not know that yet.

I am hoping to do a table read of the first 4 scenes (a little over 7 pages) in class tomorrow, and have the following questions:

  1. Does the dialogue flow/feel natural
  2. Does the structure/order of events make sense so far
  3. Does Margot seem like a person who has some of the symptoms of Schizotypal Personality Disorder? Should I add more characteristics? I want her to seem like she has a mild case and build the discussion around that in later episodes.
  4. Addressing the previous question: I also want to be sensitive to any readers or viewers who may feel connected to this topic. Do you think I approach this too insensitively? Does Margot’s character seem sincere/realistic?
  5. Any other feedback or criticisms you may have.

Feel free to read the whole episode and comment with any other suggestions.

Distortion- Pilot-Edits


Trying to survive college while maintaining a part-time job and social life isn’t easy for anyone, especially for Margot Queensly and her cartoonish perception of reality.

For my Capstone project I will be continuing a project from my Writing for Television class last semester. I will be finishing four episodes of a TV show titled, “Distortion”. Distortion is the story of Margot Queensly (19) a pleasantly social girl who, while dealing with the stress of being away from home for the first time in her life and continually feeling alone has developed a huge issue with anxiety and reality.

Each episode will be around 30 pages long as it is more of a sitcom, with a dramatic twist. I will be writing the pilot episode and three other episodes titled, Rat you out, The Green Monster, and New Dog Old Tricks. I will come into the semester with each of these episodes already written, and will spend the semester editing them and polishing them to the point where I feel they might be complete.

As I already have a good idea of what I am going to write for each episode, and have already finished writing some of them, I think that my biggest challenge will be in the editing process and in deciding what I want to change. I also think that finding a point where I think the project is done will also be a challenge. I’m looking forward to writing these episodes and seeing where this class takes them.