Anemotion – Capstone

Here’s a few thoughts on it. I’ve begun pre-production and have some attachments. This was my one page intent form from my meeting.

Working Title: An-Emotion (like animation and emotion combined)

This project will be a short narrative film that I will write, direct, edit, and animate over. I plan on having 3 to 4 main actors and 4 or 5 locations. The film would hopefully be about 20 minutes long. I plan on having the project written, storyboarded, and have all preproduction done by the end of summer. With filming in the first week or two of school and then the remaining time for editing and animating.

The idea of the film is to parody those that are centered on love triangles and the melodrama that comes with them. The idea is that many people will have a simply animated aura around themselves that displays their emotions and states. For example red throbbing when feeling enamored, coloring in the eyes black when angry. Simple animation that is possible with after effects. I have done very minor animations before and plan on learning more during the summer. I will shoot the actors and then draw onto each frame individually. I believe that I have the time to do this because the schedule I’ve set up for myself has a lot of free time.

It will feature a young person in a non-college setting (shooting somewhere off campus likely with college actors) who, along with this type of strange stick figure/aura that I will be animating, will be nursing an obsession with their love interest only to have them taken by someone else. Many attempts to gain the affection of this person will be shot down until a final battle between the protagonist with their aura/stick figure who represents their feelings, and the antagonist (person who took their love interest) with their aura/figure


Plot Points.


Act One Story Board

Act Two Story Board

Act Three Story Board

Please give me feedback! I’ve been working on my animating as well. Thanks and looking forward to working with everyone. If anyone has info on crews and actors I’d love to know.

EDIT: Rough draft of script and story boards added in.

7 thoughts on “Anemotion – Capstone

  1. I love the idea of animation! I can’t wait to see what you come up with and what you learn, and hopefully I can learn a little bit about animation while watching your progress as well. Definitely post your script here when you have a rough draft of it.

  2. Just posted the rough draft. Feedback from any who are interested would be really appreciated. Thanks!

  3. I really want to see this film made. The way you plan on using the color pallet and animation to show the characters emotions sounds really effective and it reminds me of Scott Pilgrim vs The world which is a movie i can watch any day. The animation will definitely add another layer so the audience can understand the feelings of the characters and how much they fluctuate within the interactions.

    After reading your treatment, I get what you mean about the parody on other love triangle films and i think you can really achieve it here. I do have a question though, have you thought about introducing a character that is infatuated with Alex – but he’s too infatuated with Mel to notice? I know that might sound cliche but it could also add to the depth of Alex’s experiences. That thought came to mind because it could be cool to have someone watch it that the audience didn’t know about and create another potential love interest for Alex (if you’re going for that kinda thing).

    I’m definitely going read the screenplay asap and get back to you!

    1. I really want to see this film made. The way you plan on using the color pallet and animation to show the characters emotions sounds really effective and it reminds me of Scott Pilgrim vs The world which is a movie i can watch any day. The animation will definitely add another layer so the audience can understand the feelings of the characters and how much they fluctuate within the interactions.

      After reading your treatment, I get what you mean about the parody on other love triangle films and i think you can really achieve it here. I do have a question though, have you thought about introducing a character that is infatuated with Alex – but he’s too infatuated with Mel to notice? I know that might sound cliche but it could also add to the depth of Alex’s experiences. That thought came to mind because it could be cool to have someone watch it that the audience didn’t know about and create another potential love interest for Alex (if you’re going for that kinda thing).

      Also, i know of this really cool park in Allentown that might be a great place for you to shoot at. I was a Production Assistant there on a shoot for my internship and think it’s a very beautiful landscape to film on. its called Cedar Beach Park , you should give it a look and see what you think.

      I’m definitely going read the screenplay asap and get back to you!

      1. Thanks for taking a look Hubert, I actually had a plan to have Chris be potentially interested in Alex but nothing becomes of it. It definitely has a Scott Pilgrim vibe to the script. I’d love to take a look at that park.

  4. Hi Nick!

    Really cool idea! I just have one concern about you drawing on each frame. With the standard frame rate being 24 frames per second, a 20 minute film would have almost 30,000 frames. I would definitely think about looking into finding a simpler way to get your animation done than having to draw on every frame if possible! Just something to think about!

    1. Hi Lauren,
      Thanks for the concern, I agree that is a lot of drawing, however the film will only run about 10 or so minutes and about half of those frames will be drawn on. The drawings are also not extremely overpowering like a cartoon, they’re more or less stick figures and shapes!

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