Lafayette College

Tag: CWP Workshops

Designing Better Writing Assignments

Could your writing assignments use some updating? There are two events happening next week that can help you!

My Favorite Writing Assignment is back!  On Wednesday, March 21, 12-1, join Han Luo (Foreign Languages and Literatures), Khadijah Mitchell (Biology), and Jorge Torres (Music) for a discussion of their favorite assignments for teaching writing and critical thinking. Gendebien Rm.  Light lunch provided.  Open to all faculty.

And on Thursday March 22,  don’t miss the second installment of CWP’s four-part workshop series on designing a writing-intensive class.  Thursday’s topic is assignment design. You might consider attending if you are thinking about teaching a writing-intensive course in the future, or if you are interested in adapting a current course into a W course.   In addition to “Assignment Design,” upcoming topics include “Feedback” and “Assessment.”   Email Tim Laquintano ( if you are interested.

Upcoming CWP Workshop for FYS Faculty

Faculty teaching newly developed FYS courses are invited to a workshop on how to generate discussion through student writing.   The workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 4, noon-1, in Scott Hall 104. Lunch will be provided courtesy of the Provost’s Office.  If you’re not currently teaching a newly developed FYS but would like to attend the workshop, please contact me.

Upcoming Workshop for FY Students

Making the Transition to College Writing

Watt Writing Room (aka the WA room), Pardee 319

Noon-1, Wednesday, October 28

First-Year students are cordially invited to join members of CWP for an informal discussion/workshop on writing for college.  We’d like to hear from you about your writing experiences thus far:  what expectations did you have for writing in college?  In what ways have your expectations been met?  In what ways have they been challenged?  What do you know now as a writer that you wish you’d known (or learned) in high school?

RSVP by October 26 to Bianca Falbo, CWP Director:

We have room for about 20 students in the WA room, so RSVPs will be accepted in the order in which they’re received.

Lunch will be provided.

CWP Workshop on Assignment Design

Faculty teaching newly developed FYS courses are invited to a workshop on designing and sequencing writing assignments.  The workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 21, noon-1, in Scott Hall 104. Lunch will be provided courtesy of the Provost’s Office.  If you’re not currently teaching a newly developed FYS but would like to attend the workshop, please contact Bianca Falbo.

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