Bianca Falbo

Lafayette College

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ENG 205-02

My section of ENG 205/Literary Questions (section 2, MWF 11) is full, and there is currently a short waiting list.  If you are interested in adding this section, come to the first class, and I will add your name to that list.  Class meets in Pardee 113.

Welcome back!

Welcome back, students.  Office hours until Aug. 31 are by appt.  Office hours for fall 2009 will be posted shortly.  Students enrolled in ENG 205 / Literary Questions (section 2)  should check the course Moodle site for the syllabus, the weekly assignment schedule, and other course info.   My advisees should check the Moodle site for “Falbo Advisees.”  If you have questions between now and Aug. 31, please email me.

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