Bianca Falbo

Lafayette College

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Plagiarism Discussion on 10/19

Tuesday, October 19, Noon-1
Gendebien Room, Skillman Library

Members of the Lafayette community are cordially invited to an open dialog on plagiarism on Tuesday, October 19. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by Friday, October 15:

In her recent book My Word!  Plagiarism and College Culture, anthropologist Susan Blum writes

At its core [plagiarism] means to copy someone else’s work; even paraphrasing without attribution counts as plagiarism.  Although the meaning sounds clear, however, it is murky in reality.  (12)

That plagiarism is, indeed, a “murky” issue seems to be supported by the most recent round of debates. Reporting on the rise of plagiarism on college campuses, a recent NYT article wonders whether “many students simply do not grasp that using words they did not write is a serious misdeed” (“Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age”). In response, however, Stanley Fish argues that plagiarism is not the big moral deal teachers typically make of it, but rather a failure to follow the rules of a particular (academic) discourse community.

If you’re interested in learning more about the issues surrounding this debate, join us for a lively and interesting discussion moderated by Patricia Donahue, Bianca Falbo and Lijuan Xu.

Co-sponsored by the Dean’s Office, The ATTIC, The College Writing Program, and Skillman Library.

Upcoming CWP Workshops


What is a thesis statement? Does every paper have to have one? What are professors looking for in a thesis statement, and how can writers make them more effective?

Join the Writing Associates of the College Writing Program for a discussion of these and other questions on Wednesday, April 28 in the Watt Writing Room (Pardee 319). Lunch will be provided. Space is limited, so please register by clicking here, or copy and paste the following URL into your browser’s address window:


The final workshop for new VAST faculty will be held this coming Friday, April 30, from noon-1  in Pardee 320.  Our discussion topic, led by CWP Coordinator Christian Tatu, will be evaluating student writing.  Lunch will be provided courtesy of the Provost’s Office.  Contact Bianca Falbo for more information.

Nominate a WA

CWP accepts faculty nominations of students for Writing Associate (WA) positons year round.  We like to remind faculty at this time of year in particular when the abilities of  individual students are fresh in your minds.  Email candidate names to Bianca Falbo.  More information about the application process is available here.

Request a WA

The College Writing Program is currently accepting applications from faculty for spring 2010.  If you would like to request a Writing Associate for your course/s next semester, please contact Bianca Falbo by Friday, December 11.

Please note:  If you are teaching a VAST course, a WA will automatically be assigned to your class.  You need not contact us or fill out an application form.

Upcoming CWP Workshop for FYS Faculty

Faculty teaching newly developed FYS courses are invited to a workshop on how to generate discussion through student writing.   The workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 4, noon-1, in Scott Hall 104. Lunch will be provided courtesy of the Provost’s Office.  If you’re not currently teaching a newly developed FYS but would like to attend the workshop, please contact me.

Upcoming Workshop for FY Students

Making the Transition to College Writing

Watt Writing Room (aka the WA room), Pardee 319

Noon-1, Wednesday, October 28

First-Year students are cordially invited to join members of CWP for an informal discussion/workshop on writing for college.  We’d like to hear from you about your writing experiences thus far:  what expectations did you have for writing in college?  In what ways have your expectations been met?  In what ways have they been challenged?  What do you know now as a writer that you wish you’d known (or learned) in high school?

RSVP by October 26 to Bianca Falbo, CWP Director:

We have room for about 20 students in the WA room, so RSVPs will be accepted in the order in which they’re received.

Lunch will be provided.

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