14 August, 12-3pm, Pardee 102 B

Informal, introductory meeting for all FYS instructors.  The first half of the meeting (12-1:30) will be devoted specifically to FYS matters:  I’ll provide you with some updates about the current state of the program, remind you about the various kinds of support around the College available to FYS faculty, and speak about a couple new initiatives for this year.  I will also be happy to answer any questions you have about getting started with your course.  The second half of the meeting (1:45-3) will be devoted to discussion of the summer reading.  If you are planning to meet your FYS section during orientation to discuss Hidden Figures, I  invite you to stay and swap approaches and ideas with your FYS colleagues.
If you cannot attend, but have questions or want feedback on FYS course materials, send me an email and we will find a time to meet.  If you are interested specifically in the summer reading discussion, the Office of the Dean of Advising is holding another discussion on 23 August.   Look for an invitation (and RSVP request) in your email inbox.
21 August, Pardee 102 B.  9:30-4pm for those teaching a new FYS, 1-4 for everyone else.
The morning session will be focused on the needs of new instructors, but anyone who wants a refresher on writing pedagogy is welcome to join us for part of all of the afternoon session (1-4 in Pardee 102 B).
Light refreshments will be served at both meetings.  Email me if you would like to attend.  (New faculty need not reply for Aug 21—you are all set.)