"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

What Hershey Has To Say About PGPR

After giving my presentation in class on Monday, I thought you all might be interested in what the Hershey company has to say about the PGPR additive in their chocolate. They claim that the scientific research that has been done by the FDA has concluded that PGPR is safe, however, other scientific studies have concluded otherwise. This may be due to Hershey conducting their own research through the FDA. In addition to the information on PGPR, Hershey has a sidebar (on the left side) stating all of the ingredients they use in their chocolate. With all of those added ingredients, any nutritional value that the original, unprocessed cocoa had is now overridden by the many unnatural and excessive additives that Hershey adds to their chocolate.




  1. 온라인포커

    It’s always a pleasure to read your magnificent articles on this site. You are among the top writers of this generation, and there’s nothing you can do that will change my opinion on that. My friends will soon realize how good you are. 온라인포커

  2. Danielle Moore

    This is really interesting! In the presentation, I remember being shocked that Hershey’s barely uses any cocoa butter, which would make sense to use in chocolate. I’m curious just how much of an economic effect it would have if these big companies decided to use cocoa butter instead… it would certainly make it taste better, and help those of us who know about PGPR to sleep better at night.

  3. Jennifer Oddo

    The fact that Hershey’s “won’t reveal the product formulas and how much PGPR is used”, says enough! I’m really glad you posted this article because I was going to look further into this topic after your presentation. It is unbelievable how little we actually know about the food we eat.

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