Environmental Policy Twist

I don’t precisely recall how I stumbled upon this site but I imagine it was a video I found somewhere linked on Facebook. I have had this page open as a tab on my computer for about a week and I decided today to see what it was about. I was immediately dramatically surprised and dismayed to find that “www.environmentalpolicyalliance.org” is not an environmentally friendly website at all. It leads off with aggressive statements like, “If you think environmentalists are overzealous today when they (falsely) link fracking to serious health and environmental problems, take a look at their long track record of silly doomsday predictions,” and continues to correlate decreased fossil fuel use with increased environmental well-being.

I find it discouraging that this site clearly masquerades as a positive source of policy news and environmental awareness when it is clearly propaganda for the fossil fuel industry.

This is why we can’t have nice things. UGH.



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