The Microbead Dilemma

After reading several blog posts about microbeads and their impact on the environment I found myself in a dilemma. The face wash I use contains microbeads in it and my first instinct of course was to stop using it because it was bad for the planet. Upon further contemplation however I thought, will this bottle be any better off in a landfill? By not using the rest of it, its bottle would end up in the trash rather than the recycling. The liquid would probably ooze out someplace and end up in a stream anyway.

So I elected to keep my face wash, finish out this bottle and find a more eco-friendly product for my next purchase. As consumers it is our responsibility to take charge of what we are buying. A simple change in the way we buy things can have a huge impact on the world.

One thought on “The Microbead Dilemma

  1. Bethany, I think it’s great that you’ll factor this sort of information into consumer decisions. Actually, if you get a chance, there is this really cool piece up at the Nurture Nature Center for the Perspectives workshop on these microbeads. The artist made them much larger to be microbeads on a macro scale. Thought you might find the piece interesting since you’ve been thinking about this issue!

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