Life Begins with Water

When I was looking at the weather for this weekend and I saw that it was not going to be perfect sunny skies and mild weather, I was a bit disappointed. I already do not enjoy kayaking as an activity and adding on bad weather to that heap made the less than excited for the trip. The day came with a tease of sunshine until the very moment when we unloaded the boats and got onto the water. The unpromising gray skies followed us throughout the day. After lunch, when we began paddling again, it began to rain. The idea of rain was so unpleasant but once I actually began to feel the liquid gathering on my skin, my perspective changed.

A few nights previously there had been a torrential downpour that I was caught in as I made my way across campus. It was late and there weren’t many people around. At first I was dismayed to find myself completely soaked but then I realized that there was nothing I could about that. There’s a quote that says, “Life isn’t about hiding from the storm, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” In a post late-night library daze, I grabbed my friend and together we ran through the streets, jumping in puddles and letting ourselves be surrounded by the water. In that moment, I felt so alive. Bringing this back to our paddle, I felt a similar sort of electricity as my skin became damp with the precipitation. I think the water has some energy and having it not only flowing swiftly beneath me but also fall from the sky above me, I was surrounded by it. I felt rejuvenated, even though I was physically and mentally exhausted from the week. The water made me feel alive.

One thought on “Life Begins with Water

  1. Water is an interesting entity. At first you are always hesitant and unable to immediately will yourself to jump in, but eventually that changes and you always end up in water. I do not know if it is because we want to get in the water, or something having to do with our body’s chemistry, but our love/hate relationship with water is very interesting.
    Also other than making you feel alive, I have the feeling that water instead reveals the life already within us. For example when you dip your toes in, or your caught in a rain storm, it gets to that point where your either so deep in, or soaked that you know longer care and loose the thoughts and mentalities that hold us back and keep us from experiencing the natural world as its meant to be.

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