Enjoying the Walk

Even the hardest things about not having a car on campus are minute compared to the benefits this entails. Being a small campus, walking from place to place is not a hassle at all, it is even enjoyable now that better weather has finally prevailed. It is difficult when trying to find a ride off campus, but this is not a problem nearly as often as I expected. It is easy to take advantage of having a car at all times, and not having it any longer makes me appreciate the ease of transportation we have today.

In not having a car to drive to a grocery store I noticed another major sustainable behavior change I was forced to make. I could no longer buy cases of water to keep in the room and had to turn to the Britta bottles and pitcher. While this was a real pain at first, I grew accustomed to it very quickly. After a week I noticed that my room is no longer cluttered with half drank water bottles or empty ones that get kicked around and added to the mess. Having a cleaner room, and recycling about 50 plastic bottles less a week, is a great thing.

At a little over 3 weeks of not having a car, the desire to drive places has completely subsided. This change has made me much happier all around. Searching for a website that could tell me the amount of greenhouse gasses I am saving from being emitted, I first stumbled upon the iCommute Calculator. I decided to check out the impact of my weekly driving and discovered that with how much I drove every week I would be spending over $2,000 a year! What a relief to my wallet this will be. On top of lessening the impact to my wallet, a greenhouse equivalencies calculator on the Clean Energy EPA website provided me with the enormous number of 62.2 metric tons in this time period! The ease of mind that comes with lowering this number dramatically is incredible and a great feeling to have in doing my part to help the environment.



“Commute Cost Calculator.” Calculator. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. <http://www.icommutesd.com/commuters/calculator.aspx>.

“Clean Energy.” EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2014. <http://www.epa.gov/cleanenergy/index.html>.


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