OMG! That girl is paperless!

“REMINDER: Quick quiz in EVST Thursday March 27th” I write on a hot pink sticky note that’s shaped as a heart. I place it strategically in the middle of my desk along with all the other heart-shaped sticky notes that read short memos of what is to come for the week. These include an array of reminders, meeting and practice times, and a couple inspirational quotes; all together the notes multiply until I can no longer see the wood of my desk. My friends have played practical jokes where they create a fake reminder or witty quote and stick it somewhere in the mix just to see if I notice. I don’t. At least not right away. That being said, I have realized that using less sticky notes will be my sustainable behavior challenge!
Wait really? Sticky notes make up about one tenth of a sheet of paper. Is my excessive sticky note obsession really that drastic? Eliminating sticky notes from my life isn’t going to do the trick. I guess I’ll just have to go paperless! Okay so maybe I was a little dramatic; heart-shaped sticky notes are not the largest contributor to my daily paper usage. And if they were then I could probably be labeled as legally insane. So this challenge will have an effect on many other aspects of my life, which is why I have decided to do it. But how am I going to know what are tomorrow’s headlines for the New York Times? How am I going to get required reading for my classes? Oh my god, how am I going to take notes in all of my classes? There are tons and tons of alternative ways to still fulfill daily necessities without completely eliminating them. I have a MacBook, an iPad, and an iPhone. Those accessories are all perfectly capable of accessing everything I normally use paper for. I am excited to take on this challenge and discover new ways to continue my daily life without harming trees! Thank god for technology.
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