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Pulling the Plug

        I have always thought of myself as a fairly environmentally friendly person. I have been raised to do …

Ready, set, shower!

Woah. Not only do these calculators provide a look into my consumption, but also a realization of “how the other half lives.” …

Lowering the Temperature

Showers are one of the things that most people do regularly. This one activity is also something that can greatly affect a …

Kicking the Bottle Habit

Over the past few years I have been trying to make the switch to reusable water bottles. I always knew that the …

Convenience and Water Bottles

After reflecting on my behavior in terms of environmental sustainability, I have realized that I unnecessarily waste water bottles. This may seem …

Waste Not-Water Not

Water conservation may be the easiest thing that people can change to do their part in helping the environment. Thinking about ways …