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From Plate to Trash

Adjusting to college life is a big change for every freshman. There are the large things, like not seeing your family every …

Reducing CO(moo) Emissions

Since I was a child, meat wasn’t really optional in my house.  We ate meat at almost every meal.  Because of this, …

Powering up to cut down?

Environmental Studies class should give you an environmental conscious right? Ironically, I was wasting the most paper taking notes and printing out …

Power of the Shower

Last night I stepped into the shower at 9:42 PM and before I knew it, it was 10 o’clock. Was my watch …

Less Meat = Less Heat

After seeing my results of the Nature Conservancy’s carbon footprint survey, it is clear that I am not anywhere near as environmentally …

Powering Down Rm. 207

After calculating my carbon footprint and using the footprint calculator, the fact that stood out to me the most was that if …



Before I delve into what sustainable life change I am going to make, I will first explain to you my current carbon …